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21. HTML5 Canvas [How Can I draw a Text Along arc path with Canvas?]

by boolean 2016. 7. 17.

HTML5 Canvas [How Can I draw a Text Along arc path with Canvas?]

html5 canvas에서 패스를 따라 글씨를 나열하기

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="250"></canvas> <script> function drawTextAlongArc(context, str, centerX, centerY, radius, angle) { var len = str.length, s; context.save(); context.translate(centerX, centerY); context.rotate(-1 * angle / 2); context.rotate(-1 * (angle / len) / 2); for(var n = 0; n < len; n++) { context.rotate(angle / len); context.save(); context.translate(0, -1 * radius); s = str[n]; context.fillText(s, 0, 0); context.restore(); } context.restore(); } var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'), context = canvas.getContext('2d'), centerX = canvas.width / 2, centerY = canvas.height - 30, angle = Math.PI * 0.8, radius = 150; context.font = '30pt Calibri'; context.textAlign = 'center'; context.fillStyle = 'blue'; context.strokeStyle = 'blue'; context.lineWidth = 4; drawTextAlongArc(context, 'Text along arc path', centerX, centerY, radius, angle); // draw circle underneath text context.arc(centerX, centerY, radius - 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.stroke(); </script>
