CPP - For 반복문 별그리기 ver 1.0 , ver 1.1
별그리기 Ver 1.0
// Make a diamond by *
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void makeDiamond(int iIput);
int main()
long long iInput, iCount;
while (true)
cout << "Please enter odd number of layer : ";
cin >> iInput;
if (iInput % 2 == 1)
cout << "\nYour number is " << iInput << endl;
cout << "Your Number is wrong number\n";
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
return 0;
void makeDiamond(int iInput)
cout << "======= This is " << iInput << " layers diamond !! =======" << endl;
// space iInput/2 iInput/2-1 iInput/2-2 ... 0 ... iInput/2-2 iInput/2-1 iInput/2
// * 1 2 ... iInput/2-2 iInput/2-1 iInpu7 iInput/2-1 iInput/2-1 ... 2 1
int dotSpace = (iInput < 20) ? 4 : (iInput / 10) * (iInput / 10);
for (int i = 0; i < iInput / (2); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < iInput / (2) - i - 1 + dotSpace; ++j)
cout << ".";
for (int k = iInput / (i + 2); k > iInput / (i + 2) - i * 2 - 1; --k)
cout << "*";
for (int j = iInput / (2) - i - 1 + dotSpace; j > 0; --j)
cout << ".";
cout << endl;
for (int i = iInput / 2; i >= 0; --i)
for (int j = iInput / (2) - i - 1 + dotSpace; j > 0; --j)
cout << ".";
for (int k = iInput / (i + 2) - i * 2 - 1; k < iInput / (i + 2); ++k)
cout << "*";
for (int j = 0; j < iInput / (2) - i - 1 + dotSpace; ++j)
cout << ".";
cout << endl;
별그리기 Ver 1.1.
// Create a for_star_diamond ver 1.1
// iLayer = input star number of line
// iCount = counter of layer
// dotSpace = number of space's dot
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void makeDiamond(int iLayer, int iCount);
#define EVEN 2
int main()
int iLayer, iCount = 0;
while (true)
cout << " Please input a oddynary number :";
cin >> iLayer;
if (iLayer % EVEN == 1)
makeDiamond(iLayer, iCount);
cout << "It is not a oddynary number !" << endl;
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
return 0;
void makeDiamond(int iLayer, int iCount)
cout << "****** This is " << iLayer << "s layer star Diamond ******" << endl;
int dotSpace = (iLayer < 20) ? 4 : (iLayer / 10) * (iLayer / 10);
for (int i = 0; i < iLayer; ++i)
iCount = i;
if (iCount > iLayer / EVEN)
iCount = iLayer - i - 1;
for (int j = 0; j <iLayer/EVEN - iCount + dotSpace; ++j)
cout << ".";
for (int k = 0; k < iCount * EVEN + 1; ++k)
cout << "*";
for (int j = 0; j <iLayer/EVEN - iCount + dotSpace; ++j)
cout << ".";
cout << endl;
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