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C - Input output 표준 입출력

by boolean 2019. 3. 8.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#define doSomethingElse(input) do{ printf("your input is %d\n", input); }while(0)

int main(void) {

int input, iInput[10];

int status, iNum;

char cInput1[50], cInput2[50];

// Identify wether it is a letter or a number


while ((status = scanf("%d", &input)) != EOF) {

if (status == 0) {

printf("Not a number\n");

while (getchar() != '\n'); //clear input


else {


printf("%d\n", status);




// What is the different between fputs and printf


fputs("Please enter string : ", stdout);

fgets(cInput1, 50, stdin);    // input with '\n' at the end

cInput1[strlen(cInput1) - 1] = NULL;   // replace last character with NULL

printf("Please enter string : ");

scanf("%s", cInput2);

puts(cInput1); // output with '\n' at the end


fputs(cInput1, stdout); // output without '\n' at the end

fputs(cInput2, stdout);

printf("%s", cInput1); // output without '\n' at the end

printf("%s", cInput2);


// What ist the diffrent between fgets and scanf

fputs("please enter number : ", stdout);

fgets(iInput, sizeof(iInput), stdin);

//scanf("%d", iInput+9);

//scanf("%d", iInput+8);

//iInput[9] = 33;


//printf("%d\n", iInput[9] + iInput[8]);


fputs(iInput, stdout);


C++ 02.06 - 부동 소수점 숫자 (floating point numbers)  setprecision

출처: https://boycoding.tistory.com/152 [소년코딩]

