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Linux - Vi Editer:vs(세로나누기) version error 보여줄때

by boolean 2016. 1. 6.

Linux - Vi Editer:vs(세로나누기) version error 보여줄때

vi, getting multiple:vs “Sorry, the command is not available in this version…"

Try from within vim ...(Vi편집기를 실행하고 :모드에서 버전을 확인한다)

and if your get ...(버전설명내용중에 Small version without GUI 라는 말이 있다면 ..)
Small version without GUI.

You are missing package vim-gui-common. It is probably also advisable to install vim-runtime. Commands to install: vim-gui-common 과 vim-runtime을 설치 하여야한다.
sudo apt-get install vim-gui-common
sudo apt-get install vim-runtime

Another cause might be that alternatives is pointing to the wrong one:
update-alternatives --display vim

to show what is used and ...
update-alternatives --config vim

to change to another vim. It could be that /usr/bin/vim.gnome is used and you need /usr/bin/vim
